High School Hero (The Universe) Official Wiki

Welcome to the High School Hero official Wiki!

This is the official wiki made by the creator of High School Hero, Sal, to let everyone know about their silly little OCs and their silly little hero world. This wiki is still in development. Stay tuned for when it finally is complete!

What is High School Hero?

High School Hero is a fictional superhero series created by Sal. As of creating this wiki, here isn't much published about the universe. Sal hopes to change that with the High School Hero Universe. The universe is set in the modern-day, but the majority of the population have superpowers. The rise in superhuman abilities naturally caused the rise in crime and villains. To prevent total chaos and destruction, heroes started appearing across the globe to bring criminals to justice. The story will follow a student named Vincent Chamberlain, who attends a high school designed to develop and strengthen young minds to be the next generation of heroes: Harmonious Hero High School, run by the Harmonious Hero Organization. There will be canon spin-offs of other characters and organizations in the same universe.

Wiki Contents:

Character Information