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Vincent Chamberlain, also known by his hero name Hephaestus, is a senior at Harmonious Hero High School. He is the first student from HHHS to get his Professional Hero License before graduation. He is also the protagonist of High School Hero!
Vincent is the average height for his age, standing at about 5'9". His posture isn't the best, so he appears shorter than he actually is. He has a round face and short, brown hair with a side part on his right side. He was born with heterochromia, his left eye a greenish-blue and his right eye a deep brown. He has fair skin, cursed with burning instead of tanning in the sun. Due to his profession, his body is toned, and he works hard to maintain it.
Vincent's everyday wear consists of a beat up pair of black Converse, cargo shorts, and a band t-shirt of some kind. When it gets cold, he adds a red jacket and replaces the cargo shorts for baggy jeans.
At the beginning of his hero career, Vincent's hero disguise was a full-body skin-tight suit. Near the neck and shoulders, a gray v-shape with a lightning bolt extends downwards. It jumps from gray to a deep red, where it then tapers off into orange and yellow near the legs. A black x-shaped belt is around his waist. Instead of shoes, he wears black and red rollerblades.
His current hero outfit is a similar color pallete to his first design, but with a more loose, breathable fabric. The sleeves are now as short as a t-shirt's, and the pants are as short as his cargo shorts. He still has the black X-shaped belt around his waist, and the same black and red rollerblades. The colors of his mask have been swapped, now a half-red and half-black mask. He added fingerless leather gloves as well.
Name | Vincent Chamberlain |
Alias | Hephaestus |
Ability | Fire Manipulation |
Gender | Male |
Pronouns | He/Him |
Sexuality | Pansexual |
Height | 5'9" |
Affiliation | Harmonious Hero Organization |
Nicknames | Vin, Vince, Vinny, Festus |
Sigil Status | Gold |
Vincent's hero sigil is a flame with a swirl in the middle, and two pieces branching upwards. His sigil is gold, meaning he is among the top 100 heroes in Rophis.
Vincent is your typical popular high school boy: confident, cocky, and obnoxious at times. He loves cracking jokes at any given moment, even during his job (though it's toned down immensely for professionalism). Being around people boosts his energy and silliness. When he's alone, Vincent is more calm and carefree, able to keep a level-head if the situation calls for it.
Vincent is also very emotionally driven. He thinks with his heart instead of his head, acting on impulse most of the time. He doesn't think about the consequences completely before acting. He finds it difficult to control or supress his emotions. He is an open book emotionally!
Flame Manipulation: Vincent was blessed with Fire Manipulation, hence his hero name being Hephaestus. The name is pretty self-explanatory: Vincent is able to manipulate flames. This includes naturally occuring flames, manmade flames, and flames that come from other people's abilities.
Increased Heat Tolerance: Vincent's heat tolerance is higher than the average person's. He can even physically touch flames for a brief period of time. This doesn't mean he is entirely fire-proof, as he can still get burned or singed if exposed to flames for too long.
Feed the Flame: Vincent can grow and shrink flames by manipulating the heat and oxygen around it.