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Poltergeist also know as Caspian Gilmore, is a villain in Ospen. He is one of the main villains in High School Hero!


Poltergeist stands at about 5'11" without his wings. Considering his wings, he stands at 6'1". His skin is a light gray and thin, almost to the point of being translucent. His eyes are entirely white, irises and pupils losing pigmentation with the development of his ability. Due to this, he has pretty bad eye sight. His ears are pointed like an elfs, and his teeth are razor sharp like a shark. He has a diamond shaped face, framed by two pieces of his long, black hair. His black hair descends down to his shoulders when he doesn't have it tied up. On his back protrudes two pointed wings, boney like a bat. They have rips and tears in the skin due to fighting. He also has a spiked tail in the same fashion.

His villain outfit consists of a deep green sweater with holes in the back for his wings. A red scarf is tied around his neck to keep him warm. He wears dark blue jeans and black dress shoes. He usually has his hair tied into a bun to keep it out of his face while on the prowl.

His civilian outfit is strikingly similar to his villain attire. He wears the same deep green sweater and red scarf, but adds a long, tan coat with fur on the inside to keep him warm. He tucks his tail into a pocket in the back of the coat, and keeps his wings concealed with it as well. He puts on colored contacts so his white eyes don't raise suspicion. Although he cannot change his skin color, people assume that he is a regular civilian because of the abilities seen throughout the world.

Name Caspian Gilmore
Alias Poltergeist
Ability Phantom
Gender Male
Pronouns He/Him
Sexuality Bisexual
Height 5'11"
Affiliation Purgatory
Nicknames Cassie, Cas
Sigil Status Amethyst


Poltergeist is a very blunt person. His monotonous tone causes his words to come across as cold and detatched, but unapologetically straightforward. He has an intimidating and almost unpredictable aura to him that causes people to shy away.

Poltergeist is quick to anger, emotions turned up to their maximum capacity. He experiences emotions more strongly than typical people. This causes him to lose his temper and lash out on those close to him.

He is determined to break down the hero society and demolish the government.


Permeation: Poltergeist is able to phase through solid objects whenever he pleases. It takes great skill and concentration to allow only one part of his body to become intangible.

Night vision: He can see better in the dark than any normal human can.

Phantom wings: Weak wings on Poltergeist's back allow him to glide, but not fly. They are thin and fragile compared to other hybrids' wings.

Phantom tail: Poltergeist has a tail that he can control like another limb. The end of the tail is sharp like a blade.

Light sensitivity: He is weakened significantly in direct sunlight. Something like nausea, tiredness, and dizziness.

Lack of sunlight: The lack of sunlight makes his skin a pale gray color. He is sensitive to light and gets sunburnt incredibly easily. He is a cold little guy all the time.

Low vision: Although he can see better in the dark, he has bad eyesight normally. Hashtag near-sighted.