Purgatory's Executioner

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Purgatory's Executioner, also known as August Hawthorne, is a villain in Ospen. He is one of the main villains in high school hero.


Purgatory's Executioner is exeptionally small, standing only at 5'2". He has two wings on his back that make him 5'10". He has pale, thin skin with patches of feathers near his neck, ears, and back. His hair is white, the longest parts going down to his shoulders. Instead of ears he has two wings with ear holes covered by dark gray feathers. His eyes are completely white, making his vision incredibly bad. He also has three long black stripes descending from his eyes to his cheeks.

Two wings are also on his back, dark gray in color and a little under 5 feet tall. Instead of feet, there are two bird claws connecting to his legs.

Executioner's villain outfit consists of a black and gray suit that goes down to his upper thigh. He puts on a frayed, dark red cloak over the outfit with his villain sigil placed on his left.

Executioner does not have a separate civilian outfit.

Executioner's Sigil is an amethyst sigil in the shape of a skull.


Executioner is very compassionate and understanding. He is very fatherly and accepting towards others. He prioritizes the well-being of people around him and he values inclusivity and diversity.

Name August Hawthorne
Alias Purgatory's Executioner
Ability Raven
Gender Male
Pronouns He/Him
Sexuality Pansexual
Height 5'2"
Affiliation Purgatory
Nicknames Executioner, P.E., Ex
Sigil Status Amethyst

When it comes to achiving his goals or protecting those he cares about, he becomes a serious force to be reckoned with. He has a strong moral compass that doesn't align with societal norms. He also has a strong loyalty towards his allies and friends. He will go great lengths to protect them against anything. He has a soft spot, but will be ruthless when it comes to his goals and beliefs.


Wings: Executioner has large Raven wings on his back that allow him to fly like a bird would. He also has less functional wings where his ears would normally be.

Night Vision: Executioner can see incredibly well in the dark.

Talons: Instead of human legs, Executioner has bird legs. His talons are incredibly sharp. His bird feet allow him to perch and balance on things regular humans cannot. His fingernails are are also sharper than a regular human's.

Nocturnal: Executioner is more active and energized during the night, rather than the day, like how people normally would be.

Light Sensitivity: He can't see that well in bright environments, so he prefers to be active at night.